PromikBook is an IT company. Today the company develops cloud-based products and systems for business analysis and accounting. For example, the product range includes invoice management, group reporting, e-reporting and training. Customers are found among SMEs and the services are offered on a subscription basis. The company is based in Gothenburg.

Quotes for PromikBook AB

Right Now

Turnover ()
Time (Latest trade)



  • Olov Marchal

Chairperson of the Board

  • Klas Moreau


  • Hans Orre
  • Hans Sandström
  • Olov Marchal
  • Peggie Tran

Largest Owners

Name Capital % Votes % Date
Euro Finans AB (Prioritet Finans) 91,00 91,00 2020-03-31
John-Erik Eriksson 9,02 9,02 2018-12-31
Avanza Pension 1,17 1,17 2020-03-31
Peder Klas-Åke Bengtsson 1,03 1,03 2020-03-31
Weldadvice Sweden AB 1,00 1,00 2020-03-31
Mattias Wallin 0,63 0,63 2020-03-31
Onelund & Co AB 0,59 0,59 2020-03-31
Eva Karlsson 0,46 0,46 2020-03-31
Ivan Gustafsson 0,42 0,42 2020-03-31
Johan Sivander 0,39 0,39 2020-03-31