Press release from Companies

Publicerat: 2019-12-12 23:32:57

Miris Holding AB: Installation at Howard County General Hospital in Baltimore, USA

Today Miris installed the Miris HMA™ at the Howard County General Hospital, John Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore, USA. The instrument was donated by a local family.

The hospital writes in their magazine Wellness Matters:

“Thousands of NICU Babies to Benefit from Cutting-Edge Technology Donated by Local Family

 When HCGH Chief of Neonatology Tuvia Blechman, M.D., learned about a new, advanced technology that would allow Lundy Family Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) staff to test breast milk and ensure it contains the exact nutrients to help preterm babies thrive, he knew the important role this breast milk analyzer could play in the care of his tiniest patients. Dr. Blechman has followed the development of this device, and once it received FDA approval, he worked with the Howard Hospital Foundation and longtime donor, the Lundy Family Foundation, to bring this equipment to the level III+ NICU at HCGH.

Breast milk regularly changes in nutritional composition. When given to NICU preterm babies, breast milk is fortified to meet their need for macronutrients like carbohydrates, protein and fat. Adding the correct amount of fortification is critical. The breast milk analyzer measures macronutrient composition and generates the exact fortification formula for each baby.

“It used to be a challenge to provide the correct amount of fortification to optimize growth without knowing the exact content of the mother’s milk,” says Dr. Blechman. “With the breast milk analyzer, we no longer face that challenge.”

According to Chris Burton, Lundy Family Foundation president, “Our family experienced firsthand the compassionate and excellent care provided by the HCGH NICU under Dr. Blechman’s leadership. When he told us about this cutting-edge technology, we saw an opportunity to help give tiny, premature babies the best possible start. Dr. Blechman and the NICU staff have given so much, and through this gift, we want to express our gratitude for all they do and help ensure that the hospital is equipped with the tools needed to deliver the best possible care.” “

The article can be found here:, page 15.

Miris thanks the Lundy family for ensuring more preterm babies will benefit from target fortification.

För mer information:
Camilla Myhre Sandberg, VD Miris Holding AB. Mobil: +46 18 14 69 07, E-post:

Om Miris:
Miris är ett globalt MedTech bolag som utvecklar och säljer utrustning och förbrukningsartiklar för analys av humanmjölk. Försäljning sker i första hand till neonatalavdelningar, mjölkbanker och forskningsinstitutioner i hela värden. Miris vision är att alla nyfödda barn skall ha samma tillgång till sjukvård för att säkerställa bästa möjliga start i livet. I december 2018 erhöll bolaget marknadsgodkännande från amerikanska läkemedelsmyndigheten (FDA) för Miris Human Milk Analyzer (HMA). Missionen är att bidra till ökad global neonatal hälsa genom att tillhandahålla individuell nutrition baserad på humanmjölk. Miris Holding AB är noterat på Spotlight Stock Market.

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