Press release from Companies

Published: 2024-06-28 18:06:13

Redsense Medical AB: Redsense has secured a new order worth MSEK 6.99

Redsense Medical has received a new order valued at MSEK 6.99 from one of its U.S. distributors This order reflects a step in our strategy to better align our sales with the needs of our end consumers.

"We are glad to receive this new order and that we have been able to ship it all, in June, which underscores our dedication to operational excellence. We have an ambition to continue with this approach of getting more frequent orders to be able to further align our sales with the sales to the end consumers, this allows us to respond more effectively to market demands, " said Jennie Kardell, CEO of Redsense Medical AB.

 Contact information

For more information, please contact: 
Jennie Kardell
Telephone: +46 72-171 1264
jennie.kardell (at)

Redsense Medical AB (publ), 556646-4862

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